If you think podcasts are just true-crime, BBC radio re-runs, dad porno, or ‘not for you’, then think again!

There’s over half a million podcasts out there, from documentary style and interviews to panel discussions and one man shows. I want to show you in this article that there’s something out there to suit every need, want, hobby and erm, fetish.

So, I want to challenge you to listen to 1 episode of 1 podcast that haven’t heard before; embrace the bizarre, dip outside of your comfort zone, go beyond your norm. You don’t have to like what you find, just give it a try!

For example, a few months ago I discovered The Casual Birder Podcast through the Brit Pod Scene network of British-made podcasts (that you can search to discover new stuff too!). I like birds, don’t get me wrong, but I’ve never taken a great deal of interest of what’s flying above my head. To be really honest with you, the closest I’ve got to bird-watching, is scooping up the presents that my cat leaves me.

I listened to the first episode of Casual Birder and was I hooked; it’s dead easy to listen to, it’s really interesting, well produced and Suzie the presenter, is a blumming delight. I enjoyed it so much, that it’s now part of me and the cat’s morning routine; we listen whilst we’re brushing our teeth and having our coffee. Also, weirdly he’s not brought another bird kill back since (touch wood).

So, whether you’ve not delved into the world of podcasts yet or you only have a few core ones that you listen to regularly, let me inspire your ears today – and who knows, you might find your new favourite!* Thank me later guys.

As a starter and to help you get to grips with the wide range of podcasts available to you, right at your fingertips, here’s a list of the current podcast categories on iTunes. Other podcast platforms such as Google Podcasts, Player.fm or Stitcher will have the same or very similar. You can search directly in any of these podcast platforms to find your niche.

Here’s just a small selection that I found today, click on the links to be taken to a list of podcasts that are available for each of these particular categories,

Children’s stories, Sheffield Wednesday,Game of Thrones, Freelancer life, Vaping, Baking, Hiking, Farming, Business, Flat Earthists, Brewing, Ghost Stories, Charity, Blockchain UK Politics, Social Good

So go on, delve in, dig deeper, tell me below what podcast you have discovered and how you now feel about being a bit more experimental with your ears. Remember, just 1 episode from 1 podcast.


*try Tourist Podcast too!

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