Proper chuffed to bits to launch ‘Tourist’ my debut podcast!
The story of how the podcast came to be, is so bloody typical – I was in bed. I have my best lightening-bolt thinky moments, whilst I’m tucked up, or on the toilet.
It was the day before pitching to a local Manchester platform about a completely different podcast, and I thought – I’ve got to go with another idea, in case they hate the other. I thought about the things I love and the stuff that’s around me. I blumming love geeking up on places I’ve visited or want to visit, guided tours, discovering hidden gems, mapping technology and history. I’m also quite close to the comedy industry, without actually being a comedian or banging one. So, in my slumbering state – Tourist came about.
As it turns out, they eventually didn’t go for either (that’s another blog post) – so I DIY’d it.
It’s been so bloody incredible to do something properly creative again and I’m so excited to finally have it ‘out there’. Even though my background is media production, I’ve worked on radio & TV projects and had a radio show for the last four years, I wouldn’t say I’m a podcast expert – so it’s also been a huge learning curve too – from the equipment set up (whose bright idea was it to record most of it ‘on location’?), to the ins and outs of hosting platforms. But I’ve loved this learning process and it’s really seen me culminate a whole host of skills I’ve picked up during the massive paper round that is my career. I think that’s what you call ‘transferable skills’ sweetheart.
So what is it about then?
Tourist is an alternative travel guide with the funniest people on the planet. Comedians and well-known faces visit some of the UK’s most loved places, best kept secrets, backstreet dives and some unlikely destinations. Each episode, a new guest gives a no-holds barred tour of a place that they’ve always wanted go, but have never been before.
The podcast serves as a way for people to discover, in a different way, some hidden gems, unusual places and favourite hotspots in the city that they live, work, visit or admire from a far – and whilst they’re at it, discover some new comedians they may not have heard of. The UK comedy scene is a buzzing hive of pure talent and I’m so excited to showcase some of the very best funny people on the scene.
Initially I’ve launched 3 episodes – as I wanted to get gauge feedback, thoughts and reviews before nailing a whole series. It’s terribly against the grain of podcast convention and there is a myriad of cons of doing it this way, but it’s a little risk I’m willing to take.

The first series is based in Greater Manchester, the home of the podcast. This region has so much to offer and loads to explore – I bloody love it here and I want loads of others to get a feel for how amazing Greater Manchester is – and of course pay us a visit in the future too!
Also, this podcast production lark ain’t free (sad face), which means I’m also look for Tourist sponsors too – get in touch if this is of interest to you.
I’ll dive into the in’s and out’s of recording the podcast and behind the scenes stuff in future posts, but I want to say a massive thank-you to everyone who has supported me so far. You are incredible thank-you.
So, what are you waiting for? Get on board the good ship Tourist! (I will run out of travel related puns soon, I promise).
All of the episodes are published right here.
You can also listen to Tourist on your favourite podcast directory Apple Podcasts, Tune In, Spreaker, Overcast, Acast and more listed here.
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